Human Design Transit Vorschau 2025

Human Design Transit Vorschau 2025 Hier findest du eine Übersicht der Planeten mit „längerem“ Transit (Saturn, Uranus, Neptun & Pluto sowie den Mondknoten) und ihrem Verlauf im Kalenderjahr 2025. Mondknoten Bis 30. Jan: Tor 25/46 30. Jan – 14. Jun: Tor 36/6 14. Jun – 04. Nov: Tor 22/47 Ab 04. Nov: Tor 63/64 […]
The reflector – and the four paths of enlightenment

The reflector – and the four paths of enlightenment Since time immemorial, man has hankered after a state of transcendence from the form in which he finds himself locked. This state has been called so many different names – nirvana, moksha, brahman, satori, enlightenment, awakening… This issue of enlightenment is deeply ingrained within the Human Design Revelation. […]
Manifestor – The reward of being yourself

Manifestor – The reward of being yourself The Issue of The Manifestor- When can I go home?* Something beautiful and extraordinary is happening to all the Manifestors living on our planet right now. As a genetic type, they are in the sunset of their life. Manifestors are in many ways the most alluring of all the types. […]
Generator – easy is good

Generators – easy is good! THE ISSUE OF THE GENERATOR- How do I know when I am responding? The Sacral Centre is a magical thing. I am not sure that anyone can ever really understand. It has no awareness of its own. It’s the way in which the gods decide what gets done down here. If you […]
Manifesting Generator – Balancing two forces within

Manifesting Generators – Balancing two forces within The more time that passes with Human Design in my life, the more I am sure of the greatest secret it brings to me – That secret is the secret of the Aura. If you know how to be yourself, your aura begins to hum. It communicates in a quantum […]
Projector – How long do I have to wait?

Projectors – How long do I have to wait? The Issue of Projectors – How long do I have to wait?* „There is one big key to understanding Projectors, and it can only be found by looking at the bigger picture. We know that statistically, Projectors make up 21% of the population. That means that for every […]
Meine Human Design Lieblingsbücher

Meine Human Design Lieblingsbücher In den letzten 6 Jahren habe ich einige Bücher & Texte gewälzt ein Sachen Human Design und Gene Keys gewälzt. Manche fand ich super, manche so naja :-). Manche haben den Einstieg leicht gemacht, andere der Vertiefung gedient. Manche haben mich eine Zeitlang begleitet und sind dann wieder rausgeflogen, andere sind […]